Born May 22nd, 1968, he graduated in Economics and Commerce at the University of Turin in 1994. Qualified to exercise the profession of Chartered Accountant in Turin in 1997 and registered in the Register of Legal Auditors – Section A, he is also registered in the Register of Experts and Technical Consultants at the Court of Turin. He has been collaborating with Studio Boidi & Partners since 2000,since January 2010 he has assumed the position of Partner and since July 2020 of Associate. He usually deals with consultancy and assistance in matters of contracts, financial statements, direct taxation, indirect taxation and VAT for individuals, institutions, companies and groups of companies. He works as a tax defender against the Provincial and Regional Tax Commissions. He prepares expert appraisals of assets and business complexes. He is a Technical Consultant in civil matters. He usually deals with international taxation – in particular, transfer pricing, conventions against double taxation, EU directives – and by assisting clients in implementing the obligations required by law, and by providing them with advice and assistance in relations with the financial administration, on audits, assessments and tax disputes. In the field of advisory services to business groups, he deals, among other things, with the taxation of the companies which prepare the financial statements based on international accounting standards, national tax consolidation, credits for taxes paid abroad, and VAT settlement of group, of Patent Box.

Valter Ruffa

It carries out consultancy activities for associations belonging to the non-profit Sector. He holds the position of Statutory Auditor in limited companies and Auditor in third sector entities. He is also the certifier of the estimates and final statements of some Committees of the Italian Red Cross, in relation to the Emergency Service 118 and other services in the convention. In carrying out his professional activity he has gained significant experience in various sectors. In particular, in addition to what has already been illustrated above, he took on the role of Director and Liquidator in limited companies, he assisted the public institution Red Cross during the transformation of its territorial branches (provincial and local committees) into private associations, pursuant to art. 1 bis of Legislative Decree 28/9/2012, n. 178, assisting the latter in their start-up phase, culminating with the approval of the new associative statute and with the registration in the register of non-profit organizations. He is a member of working groups at the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Turin. He has participated in the drafting of some texts published by “Il Sole 24Ore”, by “Eutekne” and by “MAP Servizi” on the subject of Corporate Income Tax and Financial Statements. He has participated as a speaker at conferences on the subject of Patent Box, OIC accounting principles, as well as accounting, tax and budget analysis training courses in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and the Young Lawyers Association.
Fluently speaking English